Happy Birthday ‘SalvageU’
It has been a while since I posted on WordPress. Not that I haven’t been creating content. Instead, I focused more on Instagram Reels to build a video content base. One of the great things about life today is that content platforms are abundant, cheap, and easy to use. Unfortunately, while that does oversaturate the social media space, those who strive to create meaningful content tend to have long shelf lives.
I’ve used WordPress as a public diary, which has served its purpose well. There is a real need in the post-trauma community to see that others mirror themselves in their thoughts, emotions, and actions. Much of the post-trauma journey is hidden, and I hope to bring that out into the open without judgment.
And that’s where SalvageU comes into play. I just launched SalvageU.com: a dropbox, if you will, of all the content I have created. But even more so, it’s a place where others can come and seek me out for public speaking engagements, buy a copy of my memoir, or find someone (me) they might be able to relate.
What do you think of when you hear the word “salvage”?
Unfortunately, the term doesn’t necessarily conjure up a positive connotation. Junk. Castaway. Of little worth. As a trauma survivor, I can adamantly say that there have been times when I felt that way. But the actual definition says something different. “The act of saving something of use or value from destruction, damage, ruin, loss, or waste.”
We all have intrinsic value, no matter how much or little we’ve been put down or beaten up. And trauma can often bury that value to the point that we can’t see it. The great news is that we CAN overcome the effects of trauma. But it takes work on our behalf to happen. It takes U.
So I’m building a presentation on that theme. I hope to share it with the world. Will you help me spread that message? Please share my site: SalvageU.com.
Let’s start talking about trauma differently.